Authors' and Illustrators' Pages
The authors listed here each have a page on this site where you'll find things such as: their books listed, some biographical information, common topics, similar authors, links to articles and other places their work is mentioned on this site and, comments on their work. For authors who are not listed here check the Search for other places they may be mentioned on this site.
- Anno, Mitsumasa
- Avi
- Baylor, Byrd
- Byars, Betsy
- Carle, Eric
- Cooney, Barbara
- Dr. Seuss
- Jean Fritz
- Goodman, Susan
- Hamilton, Virginia
- Henkes, Kevin
- Hutchins, Pat
- Lasky, Kathryn
- Lobel, Arnold
- Lowry, Lois
- Marshall, James
- Naylor, Phyllis
- Paterson, Katherine
- Peck, Richard
- Sendak, Maurice
- Simon, Seymour
- Stevenson, James
(Continued Below)

Related Areas within Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site
- Author Studies in the Classroom.
- Listing of Reviewed Children's Books by Author
- An Author a Month for Pennies by Sharron McElmeel. Book Review.
Art, Crafts and Artists in Books for Kids and Teens, Featured Subject article with discussion and activity ideas, and picture books, nonfiction and novels for the classroom: