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Common Questions We Get Asked:
How can I submit review copies of my book to for possible review?
How can I contact an author of one of the books you review?
How does advertising on work?
I'm looking for teaching ideas for a specific title?
I'm looking for the name of a book I remember from my childhood.
When was your site most recently updated?
What are the qualifications of the authors of this site?
If none of these answers your question you can use this form to contact us. We'll get back to you as soon as we can.

How can I submit review copies of my book to for possible review?
We are currently not accepting self-published books for consideration due to the overwhelming volume.
We are only able to review a handful of books each month from the hundreds we receive.
All that said, we really appreciate the books people send us.
If your book is not self-published you can send a review copy (and take your chances) to:
Rebecca Otis
Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site
52 Brookwood Drive
Florence, MA 01062
We also have some great advertising deals on our site as another way to get the word out about your book to our large (over 150,000 of visitors a month) audience of passionate adults involved in choosing books for kids. More information.
How can I contact an author of one of the books you review?
The best way to contact an author is to write to them in care of their most recent publisher. You can find their most recent publisher with address by contacting a reference librarian at your local library.
How does advertising on work?
You can find information on our advertising opportunities at:
I'm looking for teaching ideas for a specific title?
If we don't have the title listed here: try the Doucette index at:
I'm looking for the name of a book I remember from my childhood.
I'm really very bad a recalling old titles myself. The first place I'd recommend is poking around They have many ways to search by topic or age range or title words which can often help you find a book, in print or out of print. If that doesn't work there are some online discussion groups that are a good place to ask that kind of question. You can find a list of them at:
When was your site most recently updated?
You'll find a listing of recent changes along with the date at:
What are the qualifications of the authors of this site?
Here are the bios for Carol Hurst and Rebecca Otis