Newsletter Advertising Information
Our email newsletter has been published for 14 years. The newsletter is sent periodically via email to 10,000 subscribers and has a version on our web site as well. We don't publish a print copy. You can view past issues on the web site.
Our open rate for the newsletter is 42% and our click rate is 7%.
Each issue is limited to two advertisers. Each advertiser receives a text ad at the top and at the bottom of the email version of the newsletter with an optional small graphic (Request a sample). Each advertiser also gets an ad on the web site version of the newsletter for one month. (See a sample).
Our users' primary role in children's literature: 66% Teachers, 22% Librarians, 12% College Students (graduate and undergraduate), 9% Parents and 3% Other. Some survey respondents gave more than one primary role. See more demographics.
Here's a quote from one of our advertisers:
"We have received a fantastic response from the Carol Hurst Newsletter! To
date, we have about 90 people who have applied for a grant via the Carol
Hurst link on our website, and they're still coming in daily! Your
newsletter is our biggest draw of applicants!" - Chapbooks
People who applied for the grant filled out extensive information on their web site and ordered a free first printing of a student created book. Their ad was sent out when our circulation was 8,900. This means one percent of our subscribers actually followed through on the deal which we considered excellent.
We have a 15% discount for any ad orders of 6 issues or more.
For more information Contact Rebecca Otis
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