Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site Newsletter
Volume 23. Issue 3.
Friendship Through Books for Children and Teens
An Article on Friendship and One on Homeschooling
As the winter closes in, here in New England, it's a good time to warm ourselves with time spent with friends and a good time to reach out with acts of friendship to those who are socially or physically isolated. So, friendship is what we're focusing on in this newsletter, to warm us and spread light during the darkest time of the year for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere.
Homeschooling Through the Holidays
The holidays are in full swing and though these times can be the most joyous, they can also be the most hectic. Between family visiting, traveling, food prepping and all the other fun activities that make up the season, it can seem hard to carve out time to focus on your child’s education. With some simple guidelines, you can accomplish everything on your to-do list and make it to all those festive events while still keeping your child learning. The following tips will help keep you on track with your homeschooling goals this season.
Friends in Kids' Books
Here are some of our favorite books for the classroom for preschool through ninth grade, which feature friends and friendship. This list is not all inclusive. There are so many great books which revolve around friendship, but these should get you started. Friends, friendship, and friendliness are wonderful classroom topics to explore in their own right. They also interweave well with the classroom topic of bullying (See our article on bullies) since they all speak to issues of empathy, kindness, exclusion and inclusion.
For over a decade, Time4Learning has helped more than 500,000 homeschooling families with its flexible and engaging curriculum, homeschool resources, and more. Our team of homeschool moms, homeschool dads, and support staff have come together to create helpful homeschool insights on subjects such as family, education, fun, and more!
Related Areas of Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site
- This is a listing of subjects that have their own page on our site. Some of them are annotated booklists. Most of them are Featured Subjects, which have recommended books as well as discussion and activity ideas. Subjects Listing.
- For anything else you're looking for check out our Search Page.

That's it for this issue.
Happy reading!
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