In Times Past (an eBook)
Integrating US History with Literature in Grades 3-8. Third Edition.

by Carol Otis Hurst and Rebecca Otis. Downloadable as a PDF file for use on your computer (Mac or PC), tablet, kindle or smartphone for $24.95. Over 330 pages. Originally published by McGraw-Hill. 3rd Edition, Carol Hurst Consultants, 2003. ISBN 097485090X.
Tired of the same old routine when teaching about the past in the classroom?
Recent and classic fiction and non-fiction can make the American past come alive for students. New activities can make studies both educational and fun.
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In Times Past is set up to make things easy no matter what approach you use to teach U.S. History from third grade up. There are suggestions for activities and extensive booklists throughout In Times Past. One section looks at history through a broad lens and gives ways to look at the scope of it. Another section follows one strand such as immigration and follows it throughout our history. The third section takes the more usual chronological approach with classroom activities and related books for each time period. Finally, there's a section where you dive into an era through a single novel. Over 330 pages of wonderful resources for your US History curriculum.
This version of In Times Past is in PDF. If your computer has Acrobat, you just click and you're In Times Past (forgive the pun). If you don't have Acrobat, the program is free so you can download it online. You can print out the whole book and use it in a loose leaf notebook, print out any part of it, or use it on screen. You can also read In Times Past on your iPad, Kindle, and other tablets and smart-phones. We think it's a valuable and long overdue resource for teachers.
View the Table of Contents.
View an excerpt: The Time of the Pilgrims.