Picture Books in the Classroom, an Instantly Downloadable eBook
Addressing Concepts and Skills Throughout the Curriculum with Literature in Kindergarten through Grade 2.

by Carol Otis Hurst. Download the PDF eBook for $24.95. Originally published by McGraw-Hill. 2nd Edition, Carol Hurst Consultants, 2004. ISBN 0974850918.
Full of ideas of ways to meet your state's curriculum requirements while enriching your students' entire education.
A treasure trove of information for teachers, parents and librarians. Over 250 pages full of books and activities to involve science, math, social studies, music, art and physical education skills in the language arts program. Thirty-five great picture books stand on their own and twenty-one author studies and their books make the reach even broader. Best of all there are charts allowing you to look up the skills and strategies needed, and just click on the pages where the books and activities that address them can be found.
Unlike other eBook formats the PDF format (readable on all ereaders, tablets and computers) allows readers to print out a chapter (or more) or copy and paste on your computer to make your own booklists or classroom idea lists.
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