by Ursula Le Guin. Illustrated by S. D. Schindler. Chapter Book. 48 pages. Grades 1-5.
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Teacher's Guide

When Mrs. Jane Tabby's four kittens are born, she is surprised to see that they have wings. Life among the trash cans of the inner city is not good: the shoes and boots kick and the hands hurt. Soon, the mother realizes that the power to fly will allow her kittens to escape the slums in which they live to find a better life.
Roger, James, Harriet and Thelma soon discover that their city skills don't help much in the woods of the country and they must fight some fierce birds in order to secure their territory. Surviving near starvation they finally find some children who will love and care for them.
This is an easy to read novel. Great for kids just venturing into the world of reading novels. It's also a wonderful read aloud. The illustrations are pen and ink with soft washes of pastels and add some lightness to the story.
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Things to Talk About and Notice
- How does the author make you believe kittens could have wings?
- How does the author maintain the cats' point of view throughout the book?
- Do the illustrations help or hurt the believability?
- Where do you think your pets would go if they could fly?
- The kittens are concerned with the hands and feet of the humans. What would other animals be aware of?

- To help discern the realistic from fantastic aspects of the story create a two column chart with the headings of "realistic" and "fantasy" and work together to brainstorm things that fit each category. You could work line by line from a section of the book.
- Imagine other animals including humans with wings. Write and draw stories about them.
- Write a diary from a cat's point of view.
- Brainstorm ways for the kittens to rescue their mother.
- Create stick Catwing puppets such as this one. Act out a favorite scene from the story with the puppets.
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Related Books
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