Fanny's Dream
by Caralyn Buehner. Illustrated by Mark Buehner. Picture Book. 32 pages. Grades 2-6.
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In Fanny's Dream we get a gentle, funny and warm story with echoes of a fairy tale. Fanny Agnes is a sturdy farm girl who dreams of marrying a prince, or at least the mayor's son. Convinced that, if it happened once, it can happen again, and ignoring the cruel taunts of her friends and relatives, Fanny waits in the garden in the moonlight for her fairy godmother to fix her up for the mayor's ball. Instead Heber, a short, kind farmer appears and asks for Fanny's hand. With a sigh, Fanny accepts and she and Heber share the work, the hardships and the laughter of their lives on the farm. Shortly after the third child arrives, Fanny stops in the moonlight of the melon patch to rest and her apologetic fairy godmother appears with promises of a new and princess-like existence, but Fanny chooses Heber and returns to their home. Talk about values! And you will, won't you?
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