Kit's Wilderness
by David Almond. Novel. 240 pages. Grades 5-7.
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Kit has recently moved to Stoneygate where his ancestors worked in the mines along with most of the other villagers. Evidence of the coalmines is everywhere but, most compellingly, it is in a monument on which are engraved the names of those who died in the mines. Kit's name is on it as he is named for a distant uncle. Likewise, the name of John Askew appears on the monument and his namesake has become a leader in a game of death played by the present-day children of the village. John's talent in drawing seems to fit particularly well with Kit's writing ability and there is mutual respect between the two dissimilar youths. The rituals surrounding this game, the tales told by those who have lain "dead" in the abandoned mine, become ever more important and it is inevitable that, sooner or later, Kit will take his turn being "dead."
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Michael first discovers Skellig in a broken down-garage on the property of his new home. Skellig lies amongst the dirt on the floor of the structure, eating flies. He can hardly move due to arthritis. Unsure, at first, that he has actually seen Skellig, Michael finally brings his new friend Mina to find out if she can also see Skellig. Skellig's very definition is hard to come by. Is he a man? An owl? An angel? Some combination of all three? Whatever and whoever Skellig is, he haunts Michael, who already has enough to worry about. Read More.Grades 4 - 7
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Keeper of the Doves is the deceptively simple story of one turn of the century family during one summer. Accessible to kids from fourth grade up, it speaks gently but packs a punch. The story revolves around words and their power to wound as well as heal. There are six sisters in the McBee family. The twins delight in terrifying their sister Amie, our narrator, with their stories and often cruel games. Many of their games and stories concern Mr. Tominsky, a mysterious man who lives in a chapel at the back of the estate. The tale is dominated by that man who is largely off-stage. He's the Keeper of the Doves. Read More in our Featured Book Teachers Guide with discussion questions, extension activities, related books and links.
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Related Areas Within Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Web Site
- World History through Kids' Books: Subject Category with Links to Specific Subjects, Articles, and Books.
- Death, Dying and Grief through Kids' Books:
Death, Dying and Grief as Classroom Subject or Theme, Grades Preschool-Ninth: An Annotated Booklist of Some of Our Favorite Children's Books, Some with Links to More Material for Teaching This Topic. - Art, Crafts and Artists in Books for Kids and Teens, Featured Subject article with discussion and activity ideas, and picture books, nonfiction and novels for the classroom: