Praise from Our Visitors

I recommend that my students who are taking my courses--Children's Literature--visit your site. I have them bookmark it and use it throughout the semester.
First used this site when your mother began it (1996) and am so thrilled that you have continued it. It is such a great teaching resource and you have branched out to make even more additions. Love your newsletters too.
-- Pat Raby
"The huge influx [of new subscribers] is probably just because you have the most wonderful newsletter out there! You have a loyal following of writers, teachers, parents, and just plain children's book lovers. :-) We loved your mom and we love you ~ Congratulations ~ "
- Trine Grillo, Fresno, California
"Thank you for an incredible, fantastic site . . . I think I can base a large portion of curriculum on these sorts of methods and your reviews are quite helpful. I am an English teacher in the Czech Republic and a homeschooling parent. I am looking precisely at using literature as a large basis of curriculum and your site is of great help in developing themes and identifying sources of books."
-Arie Farnam, Czech Republic
"The Carol Hurst site is always very helpful and informative--in fact, my favorite site for researching books and how to use them in the classroom!"
- Patricia Lehman, Teacher
"I must say I'm very impressed." - Rick Richter, President and Publisher, Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing Division.
"I am a former public school teacher and currently homeschool my son who has Asperger's Syndrome. I have reviewed hundreds of educational sites, and this is by far one of the most heart-filled, in-depth sites I have come across. Thank you so much." - Marcie Ciampi, parent and teacher.
"The format is wonderful. The various ways to get to the information/reviews/etc. is so versatile and "user friendly." You would be hard-pressed to improve on this aspect. The pages are also very attractive. They aren't overdone, graphically, causing much time to load, but they are still colorful and pleasing. The reviews were informative and the other info. given was also very helpful. I particularly liked the, "Things to notice and talk about" section. [I had] no expectations going in. Came out with excitement and several printouts to give to teachers tomorrow! Just keep adding more stuff. I checked out the sponsorship information--can't do it, but thank you to those who can!" - Barbara L. Kinkead, Librarian, St. Mark's School of Texas.
"I don't always have time to read all of the books I want to use in the classroom. This gave me a chance to see which ones I could use. Also grouping them by topics helped. I thought they were all GREAT!!! I will enjoy using the new features of this site. I'm excited. I feel like I have gotten more from you than I did when I took college courses. Thanks." - Anna Kay Drake, teacher.
"I love the ideas on how to expand the literature selections. This is my second year teaching and I am always on the lookout for a good resource. I just added this site to my bookmarks, and can't wait for my TAWL meeting to share this. Keep up the good work. I have been looking for a site that fits in with my teaching style (kind of ecclectic, but mainly whole language.) I think I have found a good one here. I can't wait to see what else you do here. This is my first visit, and I am pleased." -Cyndi Crigler
"I absolutely love what you have done here! I maintain the Children's Literature Web Guide and I hope you don't mind if I put up a link to your site. This is the kind of resource that I was hoping would appear when I set up my site!" - David K. Brown, Librarian, Doucette Library of Teaching Resources, University of Calgary.
"[Your site] is a really good resource. I was contacted by the Iowa Reading Journal about letting them publish the [recommended web site] list, and I will make sure that the version they get will have [your] site. I have been back to it several times while preparing my contemporary children's lit class, and downloaded some of the discussions of books that I'm going to be teaching."- Waller Hastings, Associate Professor and Coordinator of English, Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD
"Wow! I have just seen your web page for the first time! I am very impressed and naturally I added it as a bookmark immediately! I have enjoyed reading your column in Teaching K-8 for a few years and all of the great ideas that you suggest for teachers." - Heather Norton
"I really LOVE the Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site!!! It is GREAT!!!" - Jenna Brown, UF Grad. Student in English.
"Wonderful Website! I stumbled in and I'm certainly glad I did! I will be teaching a 4-5 multi-grade class when the new school year starts in July (year-round). Your site was the first one I have come across with some very useful info. Thanks A Bunch!" - Jennifer Sherman
"What a terrific newsletter ! I am so glad that I found out about your site at a Board computer course. I am a vice-principal at a large elementary school in Ontario and am feeling really lucky to be able to pass on your information about Children's literature to my staff. Thank you so much for your efforts. We are looking forward to the next issue !" - Jo-Anne Telford
"I am a sixth grade Reading Specialist and I found your address while surfing last week. What an excellent resource for teachers. I am with the Moore Schools in Oklahoma and we are looking at ways to energize our reading classes. I have given your address to many of my fellow teachers. Hope your topics continue to expand! Thanks for all of your innovative ideas." - Kala Pennington
"This will be very useful in my work with the folks from the School of Education. I especially liked the review and curriculum sections. Thanks for your effort in putting this together. You make my job as a librarian a little easier." - Lori Mestre, Education Reference Librarian, W.E.B. Du Bois Library, University of Massachusetts.
"I am a first grade teacher in Massachusetts who just found your web site. I am very excited about it and I just subscribed to your newsletter. I already have found some useful ideas and information for the story The Great Kapok Tree by Lynn Cherry. I do a month long unit with my first graders on animals of the rain forest, products and preservation. I'm glad I found you and I'll visit often. Thank you," - Marisa Qualter
"Found your newsletter and It Is GREAT! Look forward to someday using the ideas in a classroom when I start teaching again next year. Keep up the great work, childrens literature is so wonderful! I am going to buy the book Dandelion, its fits my life after living in Texas and Oklahoma we have now moved to Louisiana. I need something to raise my spirits! Thanks again!" - Sally Rogers
"I think this web site is fantastic and will certainly tell all my teachers at our middle school about it. Thank you." - Sandy Hill-Budreau, Technology Resource Teacher, Williams Middle School,Longmeadow, Massachusetts
"The integration of literature with the other content areas is a valuable resource which I plan to share with my colleagues! (I am a Fellow/Teacher Consultant with the UCLA Writing Project so I meet with teachers from the LA area regularly to share this type of information!) I really just expected an annotated book list. Keep up the great work and thanks for providing this service!" - Laurie Hagberg, Village Christian High School, Sun Valley, CA.
"Thanks for collecting and posting such wonderful information for teachers. I have a page, Integrating the Internet, which helps teachers find pages like yours with such powerful information. I will certainly add you page to mine. I subscribed to your newsletter. I also collect resources and post a weekly newsletter during the school year to help the staffs at the schools in Tempe, Az and anywhere else find new resources and I will feature your page in one of my first issues in August." - Susan Hixson
"I have visited many Web sites over the past year. Yours, by far, is one of the best!!! As a 5th grade teacher, I really appreciate your attention to detail in your featured books. It's always helpful not to have to make up everything (your activity suggestions and other book links make it so easy to see the unit come alive for me and my students.) Thank you!" - Karen Worthington
Thank you so much for this wealth of information. My printer has gone crazy tonight. I can't wait to tell everyone at school about this site. PLEASE keep the information coming!" - Jane Pollard
"What a good way to let people see your book - Have printed out the math book and history book and will share with my teachers to see if they are interested in getting a copy for the school!!!" - Margaret Hunt, Floyd Graham Elementary, Hephzibah, GA.
"I think the website is superb! What I like most about it is that it is interesting to look at, but fast, fast, fast. So many sites included gratuitous graphics which make it painfully slow for almost all of us. Plus, this site has so much information to offer that you will really have good teacher traffic." - Brian Scarlett, Executive Vice-President, Didax.