Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Newsletter
Spring 1998. Page 5.
Written by Carol Hurst. Edited by Rebecca Otis.

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Notes From the Road
I've been zipping around a bit since last we met. There was a wonderful visit to Blountsville, Alabama for their Young Writers' Conference. My co-presenters included Barbara Robinson, Bob San Souci, and Laura Numeroff, a delightful crew if ever there was. The community of Blountsville couldn't have been more hospitable and the conference went well. The whole town pitched in with Mitchie Neel at the helm. They did their jobs with broad smiles on their faces, anxious to do whatever would help the conference. Of course, with Mitchie's enthusiasm, drive and arm-twisting, I'm not sure they had a choice. Where else do you see the superintendent of schools directing traffic instead of pontificating at the podium? I get to go back there next month and I'm really looking forward to it.
Bridgeport, New York was fun too. I worked with the teachers there in an all day in-service. Then there was Norwich, Connecticut, a return visit, this time to work with the middle school teachers. A workshop for school librarians here at Westfield State College came next. It was a long drive to Waterville Valley, New Hampshire for the Granite State Reading Conference where I told stories at breakfast and then did some follow-up sessions. Then back to New York State to the lovely Finger Lakes region to work with the teachers and the kids at the Emily Howland School. Loudmouse got its usual workout there as well as lots of other stories. It was great to be with the kids for the day.
I left Friday, May 1st, for the IRA in Orlando where our Pre-Convention Institute kept me busy Sunday. Gary Paulsen, Barbara Kines, Margaret Mooney, Linda Lindroth, Mary Bigler, Shelley Harwayne, and Gary Dulabaum make wonderful platform companions for that one. The rest of the week was meeting with various publishers and attending receptions and dinners for same except for the time I'll be at the Teaching K-8 booth. Thanks to those of you who stopped by to say hello.

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