Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Newsletter, Summer '98
Written by Carol Hurst. Edited by Rebecca Otis.

This issue is sponsored by Teaching K-8 Magazine. Subscribe now for only $12.00 |

Welcome to the Summer issue of our quarterly newsletter. If you'd like to have each issue delivered to your email address you can sign-up for a subscription.
In This Issue You'll Find:
- Web Site News. See below.
- Featured Subject: Geology.
- New Book Reviews:
- Featured Author: Phyllis Naylor.
Web Site News
You can fund our site at no cost to you!
Shop at Bookstore through this link. And they will contribute to our site.
The details:
We have started a new fund raising program to expand our site through Bookstore. If you shop at bookstore come to our Amazon Page and enter the Amazon home page or search engine through links on our page. Your online shopping experience will be identical to your normal shopping but Amazon will keep track of your purchases and contribute 5% of your purchases to our site. If you bookmark our page and always enter in this way they will contribute to our site each time. It takes an extra click but it allows us to provide you with much more free information on the best children's books. Every penny we get will be spent directly on adding more material to our site. You can read more information about our program.
Please let us know how you like the new program. Write ( if you have questions, concerns or suggestions. New funds are already trickling in from this program and we are thrilled.
Go to Next Section of Newsletter, Featured Subject: Geology.