Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Newsletter Summer 1999. Page 6.
by Carol Hurst and Rebecca Otis.
Behind the Desk
Don't miss Sharron McElmeel's latest book 100 Most Popular Children's Authors: Biographical Sketches and Bibliographies (Libraries Unlimited, 1999. ISBN 1563086468. Order Online.). It's got all the information you've been looking for about your favorite authors and illustrators. Sharron's written a vast amount of useful and practical books for teachers and librarians, but I do believe this is her best.
As for my books, I've finished the second revision of my first novel and learned a great deal. Even though it hurt a lot to cut away at it, I have to agree with my editor, Walter Lorraine, that it's in far better shape now. One more tiny revision and it's out of my hands.
One of our recent professional books, Using Literature in the Middle School Curriculum (Linworth, 1999. ISBN 0938865730. Order Online.) was just favorably reviewed by VOYA. " ... accessible ... offers teachers a lot of solid information about YA literature, particularly in the "Focus Books" section. ... This section is extremely helpful to interdisciplinary teachers or teacher teams because the focus books are cross-referenced for disciplines such as science, history, art, music, physical education, and mathematics. ... The authors have included a wide range of works, with some Web sites, for middle school readers and their language arts and social studies teachers and librarians, who will find the valuable reference tool for grades six through eight." You'll find an excerpt from the book in this newsletter and more information elsewhere on this site.
See you next quarter.

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