Newsletter, November '99
Linworth Publishing, Inc. publishes books and The Book Report
and Library Talk magazines for school library media specialists
and teachers. Please visit our Web site at!
Welcome to the November issue of our quarterly newsletter. If you'd like to have each issue delivered to your email address you can sign-up for a subscription.
In This Issue You'll Find:
- Web Site News. See below.
- New Book Reviews
- Featured Subject: Fools and Tricksters.
- Featured Book: The Birchbark House by Louise Erdrich.
- Featured Author: Virginia Hamilton.
- From the Desk.
Web Site News
We're looking at the possibility of publishing this newsletter more frequently. We need your input. Would you rather have it shorter but every month or two or would you rather keep it quarterly as it is now. Write to me (Rebecca Otis) at and let me know your preferences.
We've installed a new search page. The old one, which used Infoseek, was getting crowded with advertising and links to other sites. It had become harder and harder to find the results of your searches. Now we are using a service from BeSeen which uses the AltaVista database to search our site. The results are clearer, more thorough and more up-to-date. Let us know what you think.
More cross referencing has been added on many pages including cities and towns, rivers, new book reviews and many other pages. This should help people find what they're looking for.
There's a new navigation bar at the top and bottom of each page including new links to the author page, and to Carol Hurst's Consulting page. You'll also notice a side bar with smaller sponsorship ads. These ads help maintain and expand our site. Please visit our sponsors whenever you can and make sure you let them know where you heard about them.
Speaking of sponsors we'd like to welcome a new sponsor. will be running a banner ad on our home page for the first week or so every month through June 2000. They are the largest single source for literature teaching guides. They also carry paperback children's books and reading teaching resources. Check them out.
Our book Using Literature in the Middle School Curriculum was reviewed by VOYA. We've posted their kind words here so you can read it yourself.
We've added links here and there including links to good lists of authors' sites.
Go to Next Section of Newsletter, New Book Reviews.