Newsletter, January 2000
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Welcome to the January issue of our newsletter. If you'd like to have each issue delivered to your email address you can sign-up for a subscription.
In This Issue You'll Find:
- Web Site News. See below.
- Featured Subject: Martin Luther King Day.
Web Site News
Our book for middle school teachers has received another great review. This time it's from "Knowledge Quest". You can read it online: "Using Literature in the Middle School Curriculum" (Linworth, 1999. ISBN 0938865730. 231 pg, $36.95.) Order it Online
Carol Hurst is doing a workshop for teachers in Hartford, Connecticut on March 7. You can find out more by visiting the Literacy Corner web site at: and finding March 7th on their calendar.
The Workshop Fee is $145.00 (There are early bird and group discounts available) Hours: 8:30 to 3:15 To Register: Email: or Call: 518.862.9737 or Fax: 518.464.0851 or Mail: PO Box 141 Guilderland, NY 12084 Please Include the following information: name; school name; school mailing address; school phone; position/grade level; home mailing address; home phone; email address. Please indicate payment type: PO(to be forwarded) , check (to be forwarded) or card type, acc't #, exp. date cardholder's name Payment: They accept P.O.'s, Visa, MC, AE, Checks
Hope to see you there!
Go to Next Section of Newsletter, Featured Subject: Martin Luther King Day.