Newsletter, February 2000

Welcome to the February issue of our newsletter. If you'd like to have each issue delivered to your email address you can sign-up for a subscription.
In This Issue You'll Find:
- News. See below.
- Featured Book: Bud, Not Buddy.
We would like to announce the release of our latest book for teachers, "Friends and Relations: Using Literature with Social Themes Grades 3-5" by Carol Otis Hurst and Rebecca Otis, 2000, Northeast Foundation for Children, ISBN 1892989034. $8.50. Order online ( It is the second in our Social Themes series. The first book was for grades K-2. This addresses similar themes in the context of families and friendships for older students. You can find out more by on our website at:
I (Carol) spent a lovely three days in Milwaukee a couple of weeks ago with the good folks in Wisconsin Reading Association, particularly Bonnie Prohaska, and the members of her technology committee. Thanks, you guys, that was fun..
Go to Next Section of Newsletter, Featured Book: Bud, Not Buddy.