Newsletter, June 2001
Welcome to the June issue of our newsletter. If you'd like to have each issue delivered to your email address you can sign-up for a subscription.
In This Issue You'll Find:
- News. See below.
- Looking Critically at Picture Books, Featured Subject.
For those who missed our last newsletter the most recent additions to our web site are:
- Featured Subject: Guided Reading Opportunities in Good Literature
- Featured Subject: Local History and Family Stories
- Featured Subject: Women's History
Upcoming workshops with Carol Hurst:
- June 19 and 20, 2001 - Monroe, New York. Storytelling with Students.
- July 20, 2001 - Long Beach, California. Children's Literature Institute, California State University, Long Beach.
- July 25, 2001 - Dallas, Texas. Early Childhood Institute.
- June 27, 2001 - New Olm, Minnesota. Literature Conference.
- August 24, 2001 - Salt Lake City, Utah. Inservice for Teachers.
- October 23, 2001 - Stamford, Connecticut. Workshop: I've Read the Book, Now What? For Teachers of grades 2-6.
- October 25, 2001 - Worcester, Massachusetts. Workshop: I've Read the Book, Now What? For Teachers of grades 2-6.
- November 8 + 9, 2001 - Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Southeastern IRA Conference.
- November 15 + 16, 2001 - Little Rock, Arkansas. Arkansas Reading Association.
For more information on any of these write to Carol Hurst at For more information on Carol Hurst and her work in schools and conferences see Carol Otis Hurst Consulting at:
We're still celebrating the release of Carol's first two books for kids. You can read the latest rave reviews of Carol's novel and picture book at:

- Next section of this newsletter on Looking Critically at Picture Books