Newsletter, July 2001
Welcome to the July issue of our newsletter. If you'd like to have each issue delivered to your email address you can sign-up for a subscription.
In This Issue You'll Find:
- News.
- Your Summer Reading, Featured Subject.
For those who missed our last newsletter the most recent additions to our web site are:
- Featured Subject: Looking Critically at Picture Books for Older Readers
- Featured Subject: Guided Reading Opportunities in Good Literature
- Featured Subject: Local History and Family Stories
Upcoming workshops with Carol Hurst:
- July 20, 2001 - Long Beach, California. Children's Literature Institute, California State University, Long Beach.
- July 25, 2001 - Dallas, Texas. Early Childhood Institute.
- August 24, 2001 - Salt Lake City, Utah. Inservice for Teachers.
- October 23, 2001 - Stamford, Connecticut. Workshop: I've Read the Book, Now What? For Teachers of grades 2-6.
- October 25, 2001 - Worcester, Massachusetts. Workshop: I've Read the Book, Now What? For Teachers of grades 2-6.
- November 8 + 9, 2001 - Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Southeastern IRA Conference.
- November 15 + 16, 2001 - Little Rock, Arkansas. Arkansas Reading Association.
For more information on any of these write to Carol Hurst at For more information on Carol Hurst and her work in schools and conferences see Carol Otis Hurst Consulting at:
We are thrilled to announce that Carol Hurst's Rocks in His Head has received the Boston Globe/ Horn Book Honor Book Award. For more information on this title see:
Your Summer Reading

You've sent the kids off with their lists of suggested summer reading. Now it's time for us to give you a list. Summer is a perfect time to relax with a good book. Here are some of our favorites from the last year or so that we don't think you should miss.
Brown, Ruth. Snail Trail. Crown, 2000 ISBN 0375806962. Order Info.
Grades PreK - 2. Picture Book, Fiction.
Wonderful illustrations depict the simple journey of a snail to its resting place. Along the way we get map skills and a lush vocabulary of adjectives.
Falconer, Ian. Olivia. Atheneum, 2000 ISBN 0689829531. Order Info.
Grades PreK - 3. Picture Book, Fiction.
Exuberant, irrepressible, charming, exhausting and precocious Olivia the pig will remind you of someone you know in this almost wordless tour de force.
Cole, Brock. Buttons. Farrar, 2000 ISBN 0374310017. Order Info.
Grades PreK - 4. Picture Book, Fiction.
This modern fairy tale is a delightful addition to the noodlehead tales. There isn't a logical one among the characters but they are loveable sillies.
Heide, Florence Parry. Some Things are Scary. Illustrated by Jules Feiffer. Candlewick, 2000 ISBN 0763612227. Order Info.
Grades PreK - 5. Picture Book, Nonfiction.
This is just a list of things that scare us all done with humor and with great understanding.

Browne, Anthony. Willy's Pictures. Candlewick. 2000 ISBN 0763609625. Order Info.
Grades K - 6. Picture Book, Fiction.
That egotistical ape, Willy, puts himself smack dab in the middle of every great work of art. Browne's playfulness with the masters enlightens as it exposes viewers to the work.
Ammon, Richard. Conestoga Wagons. Holiday House, 2000 ISBN 0823414752. Order Info.
Grades 2 - 6. Picture Book, Nonfiction.
Here's an excellent resource for information on the wagons that moved America west: how they were made, why they were the best and the uses to which they were put.
Martin, Jacqueline Briggs. The Lamp, the Ice and the Boat Called Fish. Houghton, 2001 ISBN 061800341X. Order Info.
Grades 2 - 8. Picture Book, Nonfiction.
Wonderful illustrations that echo the soapstone carvings of he Inupiat people illuminate this almost poetic account of a scientific Arctic exploration that went wrong.
Rockwell, Anne. Only Passing Through. Illustrated by R. Gregory Christie. Knopf, 2001 ISBN 0679891962. Order Info.
Grades 2 - 8. Picture Book, Nonfiction.
This is a wonderful picture book biography of Sojourner Truth.

Giff, Patricia Reilly. Nory Ryan's Song. Bantam, 2000 ISBN 0385321414. Order Info.
Grades 3 - 8. Novel, Historical Fiction.
The potato famine of 1845 is particularly hard on this loving, motherless family as, one by one, they leave their beloved home in Ireland.
Murphy, Jim. Blizzard: The Storm That Changed America. Scholastic, 2000 ISBN 0590673092. Order Info.
Grades 3 - 8. Nonfiction.
This account of the Blizzard of 1888 is fascinating and well-researched. Author's Website.
Cooney, Caroline B. The Ransom of Mercy Carter. Delacorte, 2001 ISBN 0385326157. Order Info.
Grades 4 - 8. Novel, Historical Fiction.
The attack on Deerfield, Massachusetts in 1704 by the Native Americans resulted in many deaths and in the capture of some men, women and children. This is the story of one of those captives.

Almond, David. Kit's Wilderness. Delacorte, 2000 ISBN 0385326653. Order Info.
Grades 5 - 7. Novel, Realistic.
Descendents of miners in a remote village develop a rite of death which nearly leads to real deaths in this fascinating novel.
Lowry, Lois. Gathering Blue. Houghton, 2000 ISBN 0618055819.
Grades 5 - 9. Novel, Fantasy. Order Info.
This is a parallel novel to The Giver and deals with another society that seems enlightened until we discover the terrible flaws.
Konigsburg, E. L. Silent to the Bone. Atheneum, 2000 ISBN 068936015. Order Info.
Grades 5 - 9. Novel, Realistic Fiction.
Essentially this is a mystery: who nearly killed the baby. Before the reader gets to the truth, a young boy is nearly destroyed in this novel about guilt and innocence.
Crutcher, Chris. Whale Talk. Greenwillow, 2001. ISBN 0060293691. Order Info.
Grades 7 - 9. Novel, Realistic Fiction.
Wonderful story of T.J., a high school swim team member of mixed race parentage, struggling to comprehend the cruelty and compassion of the people around him. Powerful. More books set in schools.