Didax BookSets
Revolutionary War, Grades 4-6

In this set, books by Alden Carter and Jean Fritz provide the facts; the fiction gives us an idea of how this time of upheaval affected common people.
Set of 14 books $124.00. Item number 2-0015.
Call 1-800-458-0024 to order

The following is a list of current titles in this set. If any of these become unavailable they will be replaced by another appropriate title recommended by Carol Hurst.
All titles which appear here as links (there are none for this set yet) will take you to the corresponding review and (if there are any) related activities on Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site.

- What's the Big Idea, Ben Franklin? by Jean Fritz
- Will You Sign Here, John Hancock? by Jean Fritz
- Why Don't You Get a Horse, Sam Adams? by Jean Fritz
- The Fighting Ground by Avi
- My Brother Sam is Dead by James Collier
- Shh! We're Writing the Constitution by Jean Fritz
- The Boston Coffee Party by Doreen Rappaport
- And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? by Jean Fritz
- Can't You Make Them Behave, King George? by Jean Fritz
- The American Revolution - Colonies in Revolt by Alden Carter
- The American Revolution Darkest Hours by Alden Carter
- The Battle of Lexington and Concord by Neil Johnson
- The American Revolution - Birth of the Republic by Alden Carter
- The Riddle of Pencroft Farm by Dorothea Jensen

Special Features of the Literature Sets:
- The prices reflect at least 5% off full list prices.
- FREE carry-tote included with each set - a $12.00 value.
- We will replace any unavailable title with another appropriate book selected by Carol.
- Each set includes a complimentary copy of Carol's booklet, "Using Children's Literature in the Classroom."
Call 1-800-458-0024 to order

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