The Revolutionary War: Nonfiction and Nonprint

This is a section of a sample chapter from In Times Past: An Encyclopedia for Integrating US History with Literature in Grades 3-8 by Carol Otis Hurst and Rebecca Otis (Order from SRA/McGraw-Hill, 1993. ISBN 0-7829-0155-7)

Section 4: Nonfiction

star Fritz, Jean. And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? Coward, 1973. ISBN 00-698-20274-0

4 on a scale of 0-15_

Least Sophisticated to Most Sophisticated (short bar=least and long bar=most).

This is a short history of Paul Revere that concentrates on his eventful ride. It makes a good introduction to this period because, like all of Fritz's short biographies, it is historically correct even as she manages to breathe life into the heroes of our past. This book gives us a sense of what Boston must have been like during the Revolution.

star -------. Can't You Make Them Behave, King George? Putnam, 1982. ISBN 0-698-20315-1

5 on a scale of 0-15_

Here is the Revolution from the point of view of the reigning British monarch, a man of incredible vanity and misjudgment. The humor is considerable but is based on fact.

diamond Cobblestone Magazine
The following issues were devoted to topics of the Revolution:
Boston Massacre (March 1980)
American Revolution Tales (September 1983)
Alexander Hamilton (March 1987)
British Loyalists (August 1987
Thomas Jefferson (September 1989)
Back copies are available from Cobblestone Publishing, 30 Grove Street, Peterborough, NH 03458.

diamond Fritz, Jean. Traitor: The Case of Benedict Arnold. Putnam, 1981. ISBN 0-399-20834-8

10 on a scale of 0-15_

Here is his flamboyant life from his boyhood to his death, not in battle as he had hoped but in bed in London. We see his acts of bravery as well as those of treachery.

diamond -------. Where Was Patrick Henry on the 29th of May? Coward, 1982. ISBN 0-698-20307-0

5 on a scale of 0-15_

The great orator is fleshed out and humanized with Fritz's sure touch and we also get a glimpse of eighteenth-century America.

diamond -------. Why Don't You Get a Horse, Sam Adams? Putnam, 1974. ISBN 0-698-20292-9

5 on a scale of 0-15_

In her brief but humanizing biography, Fritz gives us a picture of a funny and believable man who was capable of stirring the Colonists to action.

diamond -------. Will You Sign Here, John Hancock? Coward, 1982. ISBN 0-698-20308-9

5 on a scale of 0-15_

Fritz gives us a closer look at the man whose signature dominated the Declaration of Independence. With his wealth, this flamboyant character purchased the friendships his selfishness sometimes drove away, but this wealth also helped finance the Revolution.

diamond Johnson, Neil. The Battle of Lexington and Concord. Four Winds, 1992. ISBN 0-02-747841-6

4 on a scale of 0-15_

Color photographs of a recent re-enactment of the battle illustrate this book that gives some background and a step-by-step account of the first battle of the Revolution.

diamond Marrin, Albert. The War for Independence. Atheneum, 1988. ISBN 0-689-31390-X

10 on a scale of 0-15_

This is an excellent reference source about the Revolutionary War. The beginning, detailing the causes of the conflict, is the strongest section. The rest tells in great detail the stories of the battles themselves. This might be a good book for the teacher or the most able and/or interested readers to read and then excerpt for others.

diamond Meltzer, Milton. The American Revolutionaries: A History in Their Own Words: 1750-1800. Crowell, 1987. ISBN 0-690-04643-X

7 on a scale of 0-15_

See page 53 of the print version of In Times Past.

Carter, Alden R. The American Revolution: At the Forge of Liberty. Watts, 1988. ISBN 0-531-10569-5

10 on a scale of 0-15_

The book begins with the Continental Army's arrival at Philadelphia in 1777 and ends when the Revolution does in 1783.

-------. The American Revolution: Birth of the Republic. Watts, 1988. ISBN 0-531-10572-5

10 on a scale of 0-15_

This book covers the last days of the Revolution and the forging of a new government.

-------. The American Revolution: Colonies in Revolt. Watts, 1988. ISBN 0- 531-10576-8

10 on a scale of 0-15_

Beginning with the death of an eleven-year-old boy in the streets of Boston and leading up to the full-fledged war, this book uses maps, paintings and lithographs, and clear text to tell the story.

-------. The American Revolution: Darkest Hours. Watts, 1988. ISBN 0-531-10578-4

10 on a scale of 0-15_

This book begins with the call to arms at Concord and ends with the destruction of Burgoyne's army at Saratoga.

Quackenbush, Robert. Pass the Quill, I'll Write a Draft: A Story of Thomas Jefferson. Pippin, 1989. ISBN 0-945912-07-2

5 on a scale of 0-15_

This is a brief book with a light touch that covers the life of the great man from 1743 to 1826.

Smith, Carter. The Revolutionary War: A Sourcebook on Colonial America. Millbrook, 1991. ISBN 0-56294-039-2

8 on a scale of 0-15_

This book uses prints, maps, and some drawings for illustration. It contains a time line of the events in the Colonies juxtaposed with other major events in the world.

Stein, R. Conrad. The Story of the Boston Tea Party. Childrens, 1984. ISBN 0-516 04666-7

5 on a scale of 0-15_

The book starts with the Boston Massacre and other causes of the conflict between the British and Americans and leads up to the actions of the Sons of Liberty. It points out that relations between the two groups had been equitable and that, at the beginning of the Revolution, only thirty percent of the populace wanted independence from Britain. The book also explains Sam Adams's role as orator, master of propaganda, and spearhead of the war movement.

Stevens, Bryna. Deborah Sampson Goes to War. Carolrhoda, 1984. ISBN 0-87614-254-4

5 on a scale of 0-15_

Set in New England 1781-1783, this is an easy-to-read biography of Deborah Sampson who posed as a man to fight in the American Revolution. After the war, Deborah Sampson received an honorable discharge and a military pension because of her wounds. She later became the first woman lecturer in the United States.

Swanson, June. David Bushnell and His Turtle: The Story of America's First Submarine. Atheneum, 1991. ISBN 0-689-31628-3

5 on a scale of 0-15_

See page 122 of the print version of In Times Past.

Section 4: Videos

The Other Boston Tea Party. New England Foundation for the Humanities, 1989.
Samuel Adams and Harrison Gray Otis meet for tea and discuss the issues and events of the time with humor and concern.


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